
The chaplaincy team, our partner denominations, and the Universities we serve are committed to safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Chaplaincy.

The Universities in Leeds Chaplaincy Trust Safeguarding policy can be found here.

The Chaplaincy safeguarding contacts are:

Robin Fishwick – Co-ordinating Chaplain ; 0113 343 5073

Simon Robinson– Chair of Trustees

Mike Kelly – Trustee

A number of different organisations are represented at the Chaplaincy. If you are concerned that someone you know is at risk of being abused or presents a risk to others, please seek advice from any one of the people listed here. You can also seek advice through the relevant University or Denomination, or through a national Helpline.

If there is immediate risk or danger, please phone the police (999 for an emergency or 101 for non-emergency calls) or the Leeds City Council Adult Safeguarding Team on 0113 2224401 (office hours), 0113 2409536 (out of hours).